ABOO - bu maktab o'quvchilari o'qishlarida muvaffaqiyatga erishishda yordam beradigan test to’plamlari, sovg’ali musobaqalar, maqolalar, elektron darsliklar va audiokitoblarni o’zida jamlagan o'quv platformasidir. O’quvchilar o'zlarining sinf va qiziqishlarini tanlaganlaridan so'ng, bizning ilova ularning xohish-istaklariga qarab o’quv materiallarni saralab beradi.
ABOO is an educational platform where users can find articles, practise sets, contests with valuable prizes, ebooks and audiobooks tailored for them. Once users choose their grade and interests, our app filters content according to their choices. With all features available, students and school children can start gaining knowledge in a more efficient way at their own pace.
Preparing for your exams, going to take a test, or just spend your time productively all you need is aboo. Here you can find interactive inspirational and motivational articles, quizzes, contests section, ebooks, audiobooks refined for you. With all this handy organised stuff in one education app, you can start gaining knowledge in more efficient way at your own pace. Aboo makes knowledge accessible to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Our team is working consistently to enrich the app with materials you need most.